About Us

The Jellyfish Store is your one stop for jellyfish lovers. The company is proud to support the Autism foundation and donates a percentage of its profit to the foundation.  We offer a broad array of products to fit the passion and love that so many people have for jellyfish. From fashion forward jellyfish clothing to eye popping art work for your home and office, The Jellyfish Store sells an array of products and adds more on a regular basis. If you can dream it, we probably sell it! But only if it relates to Jellyfish!

If you’re looking for a unique and fascinating hobby, consider jellyfish petting! These mesmerizing creatures make for the perfect low-maintenance pet. In addition to their beauty and calming presence, jellyfish are also very easy to care for. They require a specialized tank with a gentle filtration system and a carefully balanced diet of small plankton. With the right setup and a little bit of knowledge, anyone can successfully care for a pet jellyfish. Not only will you get to enjoy the companionship of these amazing animals, but you’ll also get to impress your friends and family with your uncommon hobby. Give jellyfish petting a try and discover a new world of wonder.

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